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July 31, 2024 Minutes

Updated: Aug 28

The July Stated Meeting was Hosted by James A. Smith No. The Meeting was opened at 7:30 with the presentation of the colors by Alexander C. Garrett Commandry. President Bindel welcomed everyone and introduced vice President Roger Landry who introduced our dignitaries.


Motion to approve the May & June minutes as posted seconded by Brother Haven. Motion approved.

Brother Treasurer gave the treasurer’s report.

President Bindel gave an overview of what the MWSA meeting consisted of and thanked everyone for having such a successful year.


President Bindel then handed the floor over to Chris Livingston who ran the elections of officers.

The elections officer asked if there were any nominations for the office of president. Brother David Bindel put forth the nomination of Brother Roger Landry. Bro. Landry was elected unanimously.

The elections officer asked if there were any nominations for the office of Vice President. Bro. Landry put forth the nomination of Bro. Robert W. Weston. Bro. Weston was elected unanimously.

The elections officer asked if there were any nominations for the office of secretary. Bro. Weston put forth the nomination of Bro. David Ritter. Bro. Ritter was elected unanimously.


The elections officer then asked if there were any nominations for the office of treasurer. Brother Jeffory Frayer nominated Brother Grady smart. Brother Scott Hill nominated Brother Fred Sloan.


The teller committee passed out the voting slips and then tallied the votes. The committee announced that Brother Fred Sloan received the majority number of votes. Brother and PP Billings then conducted the Installation Ceremony with Brother Chris Livingston as Installing Marshall. Appointed officers were Chaplain Rabih Asmar, and Ambassador George Rutherford.

Brother Billings congratulated the incoming President and presented him with his gavel. Brother President thanked James A Smith Lodge for their hospitality and thanked Bros. Livingston and Billings for their part in the night’s installation.

Brother President then announced his first key event of the year, by presenting the 2024 14th District MWSA Mason of the Year award to Brother John Bowser in honor of his decades of service to the Masons and lodges of the 14th District MWSA. Brother President then urged the members to review and share the forthcoming article on Getting to Know your MWSA to appear in the next Texas Freemason magazine and called the audience’s attention to his printed schedule of events for the 2024-2025 year. Information on the August meeting hosted by the High Noon Club was announced, and the RSVP requirement for dinner and the QR code RSVP process was explained, as was the program to be presented by Bro. Carlton Newberry.

Announcements were made from the floor regarding Masonic Youth organizations, (DeMolay and Rainbow Girls), and an appeal for donations to support a membership outreach effort. A Motion was made to donate $100 each to the Richardson Rainbow and DeMolay assemblies. The Motion PASSED. Duck Creek and James A Smith Forum and Exams were announced, (Duck Creek – Aug 3rd/James A Smith – Sept. 7th) as was the 64th District New Master’s recognition (Aug 24th at TMRC) and York Rite (10/29) forums and the joint 14th/64th District Candidate Forum on October 23rd. Richardson Lodge stated meeting is August 6th and is sports jersey night.  Members making themselves available for statewide allied organizations.

A motion was made to remove our Vice President Robert Weston from the Frost bank account and add our Secretary David Ritter and Treasurer Fred Sloan. Motion approved.

Brother President opened the floor on discussion for a motion to permit him to have access to the MWSA email account to then be able to update the calendar link to the website events page.

A number of Past Presidents stood and assured him that the matter would be resolved.


There being nothing more to come before the association, we closed with prayer from Brother Chaplain.

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