April Stated Meeting - Held at the Love Field Quarry Masonic Temple April 28, 2021
We held our April Stated Meeting in beautiful Hillcrest Lodge #1318 located in the Love Field Quarry Masonic Temple on April 28th, 2021. With around 60 members and guests present, the meeting was opened at 7:30 with prayer and pledges. President Hill welcomed everyone and quickly covered the usual monthly business, including a Treasurer’s Report by Treasurer Bindel and paying bills.
The main program for this meeting was brought by Brother Robert Marshall of Waco Lodge #92. Brother Marshall, being an avid historian and purveyor of Masonic light, gave a provocative lecture on Preserving Lodge History. Hillcrest Lodge even changed the lighting around the ceiling to Baylor green in tribute of his alma mater.
Using his velvet smooth butterscotch voice and renown dry wit, Brother Marshall spoke about the many reasons why Lodges should put more emphasis on a correct record of all things proper. He gave a handful of firsthand experiences and interesting anecdotes from his many years as a Masonic historian. Multiple brothers from the audience posed miscellaneous questions that Brother Marshall was happy to answer.
After our main presentation, Vice-President Bostain gave an update on future meetings and the minutes from prior meetings, so meticulously kept and wonderfully portrayed by Secretary Alston, were approved. There being nothing more to come before the association, we closed with prayer and continued fellowship at Maple Landing.