Sponsoring Lodge: Dallas Lodge #760
Location: Dallas, Texas
The January Stated Meeting was held at Dallas Lodge No. 760. The meeting opened promptly at 7:30pm with prayer and pledges. President David Bindel welcomed everyone and introduced the MWSA officers. Brother Secretary Vice President Rodger Landry then introduced dignitaries. A delicious meal was provided by Dallas Chapter OES.
Brother president presented past president Dan Hill and Gary Evans with 14th District MWSA past president lapel pins.
Vice president James Kirkpatrick was also in attendance & Bob Cagley the 64th district MWSA treasurer.
The WM of Dallas Lodge introduced the officers in attendance. He spoke of the history of Dallas Lodge and that it was filled with some great people. He was excited with the amount of members in attendance. Motion to approve the minutes as posted seconded by Brother Schlaudroff. Motion approved
With no old or new business to bring forward before the MWSA, Brother President began the program of introducing the new District Deputy Grand Masters for the 14th districts. The new DDGM’s are as follows, 14-A is R.W. Royce Smith, 14-B is R.W. R.B. “Tex” Miller, 14-C is R.W. Richard Gillman, 14-D R.W. David Fitzgerald Jr. , 14-E R.W. James “Jim” Fulcher, 14-F is R.W. Dan Hill, 14-G is R.W. Donald “Don” Dewberry, and 14-H is R.W. Robert W. Weston.
The District Deputies each got a turn to speak on what brought them into our great fraternity and what they looked forward in the upcoming year. All the Deputy’s were in attendance except for one, Right Worshipful Jim Fulcher was unable to attend.
Scott Hill spoke on Feed the Funnel, February 27th. Dinner at 6pm event at 7pm for Feed the Funnel 5th event 180+k meals so far.
Brother President took a poll on interest for a Lamar awards banquet in April or May. There were 5 lodges.
Announcements from the floor
Grand Master’s Conference will be February 17th registration at 8am starts at 9am.
Washington Lodge will be having a raffle drawing February 1st a henry 22 george Washington long rifle. They are doing an annual dinner February 24th for George Washington’s birthday. $80 a ticket black tie affair.
Brother Wise spoke February 4th 3pm billiard den west of 75 to hang out.
Brother Kirkpatrick mentioned tranquility lodge will meet sat February 17th at 10am at Arlington lodge. Friday night before will have fellowship at J Gilligan’s.
RW Emmons spoke on Texas Masonic Family Day 2nd Saturday in October.
Brother Landry asked if any lodge would be interested in hosting an MWSA meeting next year to let him or the secretary know.
Brother President mentioned the turmoil going on in the country and the possibility of the country going to war. He mentioned historically Masonry grew in times of war.
Brother chaplain gave the closing prayer. With nothing further Brother President closed the meeting.