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Minutes June 26, 2024

Sponsoring Lodge: James F. Brumit-Sunshine No. 341


Location: Dallas, Texas


The June Stated Meeting was held at James F. Brumit-Sunshine No. 341. The meeting opened promptly at 7:30 with prayer and pledges. President David Bindel welcomed everyone and introduced the MWSA officers. Brother Vice President Rodger Landry then introduced dignitaries. A delicious South Louisiana meal was provided by James F. Brumit-Sunshine No. 341. Worshipful Master Bob Moore said he was infatuated with the lodge’s yellow polo shirts. He then introduced the members and officers of James F. Brumit-Sunshine lodge.

Brother Secretary was not at the May stated meeting and did not have any minutes but vowed to have double minutes at the July Stated Meeting.

Brother Treasurer gave the Treasurers report.

With no old or new business to bring forward before the MWSA, Brother President gave the floor to Right Worshipful Brad Billings. Right Worshipful Billings knows all there is to know dealing with the Grand Secretary’s office. He emphasized the Grand Secretary’s office is not the legal office of the Grand Lodge of Texas. Brother Dave McHam is the Office manager and Brother Jeffory Frayser is helping with the out-of-state affiliations. Right Worshipful Billings then took questions from the audience. After answering all the questions that could ever be thought of in Texas Masonry, Right Worshipful Billings gave the floor back to Brother President.

Brother President announced our next month's MWSA will be at James A. Smith on July 31st, the August meeting will be at the Dallas Double Tree Hotel and hosted by the High Noon Club, an RSVP is required for the august meeting to get enough food for everyone in attendance.

Mountain Creek will be holding their installation on June 27th.

Royse City will be doing a double cornerstone ceremony July 27th at 8am, and in

September will be holding an educational event with five speakers.

Edwin J. Kiest will be holding their 75th anniversary in the late summer.

Right Worshipful Fitzgerald announced Family Day event on October 12th.

Mesquite installation will be on Saturday June 29th at 4pm.

October 23rd will be a joint event, with the candidates in Grand Lodge elections.

The 64th MWSA on August 17th will be honoring the incoming masters.

Brother Landry asked if anyone was making themselves available for the 14th District MWSA Treasurer. Brother Frayser mentioned Brother Grady Smart would be making himself available.

September 28th Sam P. Cochran will be holding a golf tournament.

64th MWSA will be holding their Officer elections and installation July 22nd. 

Brother President mentioned once again next month’s MWSA meeting will be at James A. Smith Lodge. We will be holding our Officer elections and installation July 31st.

Brother chaplain gave the closing prayer. With nothing further Brother President closed the meeting.

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