14th District MWSA
Minutes of the Stated Meeting of
November 20, 2024
On November 20, 2024, at 7:23 pm, the 14th District MWSA was opened by President Roger Landry at the Roy Stanley Masonic Lodge #1367, 9225 Ferguson Road, Dallas, Texas 75228.
Officers present were Roger Landry (President), Robert Weston (VP), David Ritter (Secretary), Fred Sloan (Treasurer) and George Rutherford (Ambassador).
After opening prayer and pledges, dignitaries were introduced by our VP, and sitting W.:M.:s were recognized by our President.
Past President Chris Livingston was introduced to discuss the content of proposed resolutions for the upcoming Grand Lodge Annual Communication in January, 2025. It was noted that 28 resolutions were presented to the Jurisprudence Committee, and 22 were found to be in proper legal form. PP Livingston discussed each resolution and the Grand Lodge laws potentially affected.
Following the presentation, PP Livingston was thanked by the President and those assembled for his service and presentation.
The Masonic Services Bureau was discussed and an email will be issued to 14th District re: opportunities to serve.
The MSWA will be dark in December, and will meet in January at Tannehill #52 to celebrate their 175th Anniversary and the introduction of the new DDGMs for 14th District.
Registration for Grand Annual Communication is now open.
Grand Chapter and Council will be held in Waco on December 12th-14th.
Minutes for August 28th, September 25th, and October 23rd were all received and approved as posted by motion made, seconded and PASSED.
The livestream from the 14th/64th District combined candidate forum had over 2300 views and was seen as a success.
The account has $3862.26; there has been no change in the past three months. A $250 donation for Rainbow Assembly was previously approved at the September meeting.
The President asked what the MWSA can do for lodges. During the 1980s and 90s, the MWSA hosted booths at the State Fair of Texas; it was observed that other Grand Jurisdictions do this and a booth could be manned by 14th District constituent lodge personnel to capitalize on the foot traffic.
Metropolitan Lodge has the traveling gavel, meeting will be on the 2nd Tuesday in December at 7:00 pm
Richardson Lodge is having a 100th Anniversary event on December 3rd, dinner is at 6:30, meeting is at 7:00, and the Grand Master is expected to attend
64th MWSA will meet January 27thb at Southside Lodge and will be hosting the usual 6:00 a.m. breakfast at George O’s (II) in Waco at Grand Lodge;
Hillcrest Lodge will be hosting their 6th Annual Solstice Lodge on December 20th to open at midnight. This will be a tiled Master Mason lodge meeting;
Dallas Scottish Rite Hospital is open for dyslexia and pediatric orthopedic referrals. Shriner’s Hospital in Galveston is open for burns, cleft palate, and orthopedic referrals. Both entities welcome donations, and Bro. Jeff Haven has fundraising information.
Tannehill Lodge will be holding their 175th Anniversary Black Tie Event on January 25th. Tickets will be available soon on social media for $48.
Dallas Scottish Rite is holding their Robert Burns night in January and tickets are available.
DeMolay is doing Wreaths across America and would lover to have donations; December 2nd is the deadline. Contact Lynn or MiMi Little for information.
Feed the Funnel will be February 25, 2025 and is asking lodges to support and publicize the event. It will be $40-50k to provide for the food component. A motion was made to contribute $250 to the event, seconded and PASSED. A challenge was also issued to the 64th MWSAA to support the event
Grand Lodge Committee Day will be November 23rd in Waco.
The meeting was closed with prayer, peace and harmony prevailing at 8:54 p.m.
Prepared by:
D. R. Secretary, 2024-2025
14th District M.W.S.A
Approved by Vote of the Association on January 29, 2025
R.L. President, 2024-2025
14th District M.W.S.A.